Exploit: Nation-State CyberattackPressReader: Media App
Risk to Business: 1.719 = Severe
A cyberattack impacting PressReader, the world’s largest digital newspaper and magazine distribution platform, left readers in the US, UK, Australia, and Canada unable to access more than 7000 publications. Some of the unavailable publications include The Guardian, Vogue, Forbes, and the New York Times. PressReader said it has resolved the issue and is working to make missed content available to users after experiencing an unspecified cybersecurity event. This may be a nation-state attack; the incident happened shortly after PressReader announced that it was removing dozens of Russian titles from its catalog and publicly stated that it would help the Ukrainian citizens access the news following Russia’s invasion of their country.
Individual Impact: No information about consumer/employee PII, PHI or financial data exposure was available at press time.
How it Could Affect Your Customers’ Business Unsurprisingly, Russia-aligned threat actors are trying to control the flow of information about the invasion of Ukraine, leaving news outlets especially vulnerable right now.
Source: Infosecurity Magazine