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Austrian Carincia has stopped issuing passports due to a ransomware attack

Government of Carinthia: Regional Government

cybersecurity news represented by agauge showing severe risk

Risk to Business: 1.733-Severe

The Black Cat ransomware gang has struck the government of the Austrian state of Carinthia, demanding a ransom of $5 million. The government of Carinthia disclosed that 3,000 IT workstations were affected. Among services that were impacted by this incident include the issuance of passports and the payment of traffic fines. It doesn’t plan to pay the attackers.

Individual Impact: No information about consumer/employee PII, PHI or financial data exposure was available at press time.

How it Could Affect Your Customers’ Business Ransomware is a go-to attack against governments because bad actors gave had plenty of success getting them to pay up.

Source: euractiv