Exploit: Ransomware
Saskatchewan Polytechnic: Institution of Higher Learning
Risk to Small Business: 1.317 = Extreme
Classes were canceled for a week at Saskatchewan Polytechnic after a suspected ransomware attack on October 30th rocked the school’s systems. Students and staff lost access to O365 functions, Zoom, and learning platforms. Online classes have been partially restored, but the recovery for impacted systems is ongoing with law enforcement involved. Saskatchewan Polytechnic operates campuses in 4 locations.
Individual Risk: No personal or consumer information was reported as impacted in this incident so far, but it is still being remediated.
Customers Impacted: 14,176 students, unknown staff
How it Could Affect Your Customers’ Business: Ransomware isn’t just about capturing data anymore, it can also be intended to shut down your business. Security awareness training prevents up to 70% of cybersecurity incidents.