News and Updates on Information Technology

United States – Garmin

Exploit: Ransomware
Garmin: Navigation Hardware and Software Provider

Risk to Small Business: 1.397 = Extreme

Garmin has had a difficult and damaging week. A ransomware attack wreaked havoc on its operations and manufacturing capability, encrypting its internal network and some production systems. The company plans to deal with the mess a multi-day maintenance operation including shutting down many essential business components for restoration and security updates. Those components include its official website, the Garmin Connect user data-syncing service, Garmin’s aviation database services, and some production lines in Asia. Garmin’s call centers were also impacted, rendering it unable to answer calls, emails, and online chats sent by users.

Individual Risk: No personal or financial data was reported as compromised at this time

Customers Impacted: Unknown

How it Could Affect Your Customers’ Business: Ransomware is typically the nasty payload of a phishing email. Even huge, multinational corporations can be humbled by something as small as one email, just like Twitter was last week.
