News and Updates on Information Technology

United States – LogicGate

Exploit: Hacking

LogicGate: Software Company

Risk to Business: 1.631= Severe

LogicGate notified customers that an unauthorized third party obtained credentials to its Amazon Web Services-hosted cloud storage servers storing customer backup files for its flagship platform Risk Cloud in 02/21. The risk and complaince specialty firm noted that only data uploaded on or prior to 02/23/21 would have been included in that backup file. The company said that an unauthorized third party was able to use filched credentials to decrypt files stored in AWS S3 buckets in the LogicGate Risk Cloud backup environment.

Individual Impact: No sensitive personal or financial information was announced as compromised in this incident, but the investigation is ongoing.

Customers Impacted: Unknown

How It Could Affect Your Customers’ Business: Hacking into databases is a profitable enterprise for cybercriminals. Ebsuring that you’re using strong security for information storage is a modern essential.

