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Former employee of Welland Park Academy wiped the data after his termination

Exploit: Hacking

Welland Park Academy: Secondary School

cybersecurity news represented by agauge showing severe risk

Risk to Business: 2.883 = Moderate

Hell hath no fury like an IT employee scorned, as Welland Park Academy discovered after a fired IT admin entered its environment and wreaked havoc. After his termination, the former employee wiped data on the school’s systems and changed all employee credentials. These actions made it impossible for the school to conduct distance learning. The same malicious individual also took revenge on the next company fired from, creating lockout chaos and wiping data at an unnamed IT company, as well as mucking up the company’s phone systems.

Individual Impact: No consumer PII or financial data exposure was disclosed in this breach as of press time.

Customers Impacted: Unknown

How It Could Affect Your Customers’ Business Malicious insider threats are a hazard that very businesses should remember because vengeful employees can do serious damage quickly.

Source: Bleeping Computer