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Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) is investigating a ransomware attack from May 24

Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC): Utility

cybersecurity news represented by agauge showing severe risk

Risk to Business: 2.116 = Severe

Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) has disclosed a ransomware attack that impacted some of its systems. The utility noted that the incident impacted a portion of their network that operates non-essential business systems. The company has admitted that cybercriminals were able to gain access to internal files but no more information has been provided. The incident is still under investigation. WSSC is the utility that provides water and sewer services to the Washington, DC metropolitan area.

Individual Impact: No sensitive personal or financial information for clients has been declared compromised in this incident and the investigation is ongoing.

Exploit: Ransomware
Customers Impacted: Unknown

How it Could Affect Your Customers’ Business Ransomware attacks against strategic targets like utilities and infrastructure targets as ransomware gangs try to score a big payday fast from targets that can’t afford downtime.

Source: Baltimore CBS Local